USTLG Spring 2013 Meeting – Supporting International Students

Edward Boyle Library, University of Leeds

THEME: Supporting International Students

International recruitment: issues and challenges facing the sector in a highly competitive market
Simon Maller and Jacqui Brown
University of Leeds
Presentation (PDF)
XJTLU: Liverpool’s joint venture with a Chinese university
Zelda Chatten
University of Liverpool
Supporting international students at the University of Bradford
Kirsty Carver
University of Bradford
Presentation (PDF)
Knovel presentation
Tim Moxey
Presentation (PDF)
Notes from a distant island: library experiences from Newcastle’s International Branch Campus in Singapore
Moira Bent and Jenny Campbell
University of Newcastle
Presentation (PDF)
The University of Nottingham: moving towards a global university
Jenny Coombs
University of Nottingham
Presentation (PDF)
Library shock’ – addressing the expectations and realities of the library for international students at Sheffield Hallam University
Alison Lahlafi
Sheffield Hallam University
Presentation (PDF) 

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